I would like to give a huge compliment to both Joan & Gerrie. It’s the 2nd year now we booked with Uvongo Holidays and Joan is our 1st step to our family holiday and he warmness & willingness to always accommodate us is amazing. She is always friendly & patient even when I bug her a million times with the same questions. She is an absolute Gem and she makes a huge difference when you call your establishment.

Although I was late and decided at the last minute she always give good advice on the unit according to our needs.

I must admit the unit was not very up to standard in terms of the old appliance and water constantly leaking in the bathrooms. However Gerrie’s loving embraces and customer relations just makes one want to tolerate some conditions. Gerrie and her husband are such welcoming hosts. They really make us feel at home.

Thank you Joan & Gerrie for always making our Family Holiday pleasureable. You guys are amazing

Take care and have a wonderful day.

Evelyn Naidoo
Pre-Legal: Claims Administrator

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